Welcome to the NEW live online event series you can attend from anywhere

Today’s workforce is no longer tied to physical locations, mobile workers take tech with them so you need to be prepared and able to engage customers and stakeholders without physically meeting them.

Incisive Media are the original pioneers in online events with a proven capability for generating live audiences and digital audience engagement – at scale.

We invite you to become part of our new virtual event series Deskflix - kicking off season one with: PORTFOLIO PROTECTION   

The experience.

Present live to digital delegates from our studio, or via webcam or smartphone from your presenters’ home or office | Present your branding on a stand in our virtual exhibition hall and display your literature for download | Pre-record and broadcast live for perfect presentations in our virtual theatre | Take a live Q&A afterwards from interested buyers | Offer delegates live chat with your product specialists | Answer buyer questions logged in the platform | Run live audience polls | Assistance and technical support for filming provided


The attendee.

Qualified digital delegates | View presentations live or on-demand | visit virtual stands and engage with sponsor content | Chat with your product specialists | Ask questions live via Q&A | Participate in live polls 

Marketing opportunities.

Your video presentation permanently hosted as an article on Investment Week & Professional Adviser | Pre-event interview published on Investment Week & Professional Adviser as part of our marketing drive | Article and content supported by editorial newsletters | Online display delivered programmatically using our exclusive first party data | Emails – solus and newsletter Native – your spokesperson interviewed, your presentation hosted forever Paid social: Computing’s unique, powerful first party social data| Unique engagement and retention tactics to qualified delegates

Marketing opportunities

Speak to our Desflix team today about joining us for season one or take a look below for future releases